Thursday, June 21, 2007


Hello procrastinators ... The Bison Sports Guys will be fielding comments to suggest topics for our first posts. Anything and everything under the sun that you'd like to read about we'll consider writing about. So start with the suggestions. We'll have some columns for your procrastinating purposes in no time.

1 comment:

ktlino said...

Hey Guys!!
Shumania was helping me with research for Bill Simmons and told me you guys started this...I told my boss and maybe I will send it along to him if you keep it clean.haha.

I have been watching NASCAR a lot for work at both ESPN and Fox Sports. I guess a lot of physics goes into it and they are physically exhausted after it. So maybe it should be considered? I actually fast forward to the race and just look for the commercials.

Topics that have come up around the office of late that you might consider:

1. The Eastern conference vs. the western conference in the NBA and why the first decent #1 and #2 will go to the West where no one watches

2. Juicing...which you addressed

3. The Rockies upping ticket prices like crazy against the Yankees because people in CO want to see the Yanks and Clemens

4. The ESPY' now.

5. How Katie Leinen is an amazing intern and NCAA women's field hockey should be covered by ESPN :)